Hon'ble Shri Arif Mohammed Khan, The Governor of Bihar is the Constitutional Head of the State of Bihar and exercises powers as defined in the Constitution of India. The Governor is also
the ex-officio Chancellor of universities in the State. The Governor’s Secretariat provides secretarial assistance to the Governor in discharging his constitutional, ceremonial and other State responsibilities and his duties as the Chancellor of universities in the State. The Governor’s Secretariat is headed by the Secretary to the Governor who is assisted by a team of officers and staff as per details available under the head organization. The Governor’s Secretariat includes the Secretariat and Household establishments.
Dr. Birendra Kumar Choudhary, U.P. college, Pusa is an ideal institution committed to maintain its excellence by quality teaching and overall development of the boys and girls enrolled in this college.
Now a days the college has many attractions like well-furnished class rooms, competent teachers and office-bearers, a lush green campus with huge playground well-fortified, a very rich library with rare books and manuscripts, separate common rooms for boys and girls with lavatories, both indoor and outdoor sports facilities, computer lab, adequate parking space and a legacy of great cultural traditions...